HP Gen8 ESXi - aktualizacja ESXi


Sprawdzenie wersji:

~ # esxcli system version get
   Product: VMware ESXi
   Version: 5.0.0
   Build: Releasebuild-469512
   Update: 0
   Patch: 0


Sprawdzenie profili dostępnych w patch'u


~ # esxcli software sources profile list --depot=/vmfs/volumes/patch/update-from-esxi5.0-5.0.zip
Name                              Vendor        Acceptance Level
--------------------------------  ------------  ----------------
ESXi-5.0.0-20131002001-standard   VMware, Inc.  PartnerSupported
ESXi-5.0.0-20131001001s-standard  VMware, Inc.  PartnerSupported
ESXi-5.0.0-20131001001s-no-tools  VMware, Inc.  PartnerSupported
ESXi-5.0.0-20131002001-no-tools   VMware, Inc.  PartnerSupported


Opcje komendy


~ # esxcli software profile
Usage: esxcli software profile {cmd} [cmd options]

Available Commands:
  get                   Display the installed image profile and host acceptance level.
  install               Installs or applies an image profile from a depot to this host. 
                        This command completely replaces the installed image with the image
                        defined by the new image profile, and may result in the loss of installed
                        VIBs. To preserve installed VIBs, use profile update instead.
                        WARNING: If your installation requires a reboot,
                        you need to disable HA first.
  update                Updates the host with VIBs from an image profile in a depot. Installed 
                        VIBs may be upgraded (or downgraded if --allow-downgrades is specified),
                        but they will not be removed. Any VIBs in the image profile which are not 
                        related to any installed VIBs will be added to the host. 
                        WARNING: If your installation requires a reboot, you need to disable
                        HA first.
  validate              Validates the current image profile on the host against an image profile 
                        in a depot.

 Dry run


~ #  esxcli software profile update --depot=/vmfs/volumes/datastore1/patch/update-from-esxi5.0-5.0_update03.zip --dry-run --profile=ESXi-5.0.0-20131002001-standard
Update Result
   Message: Dryrun only, host not changed. The following installers will be applied: [BootBankInstaller]
   Reboot Required: true
   VIBs Installed: VMware_bootbank_ehci-ehci-hcd_1.0-3vmw.500.1.11.623860, VMware_bootbank_esx-base_5.0.0-3.41.1311175, VMware_bootbank_esx-tboot_5.0.0-2.26.914586, VMware_bootbank_ipmi-ipmi-si-drv_39.1-4vmw.500.2.26.914586, VMware_bootbank_misc-drivers_5.0.0-3.41.1311175, VMware_bootbank_net-be2net_4.0.88.0-1vmw.500.0.7.515841, 
VIBs Removed: VMware_bootbank_ehci-ehci-hcd_1.0-3vmw.500.0.0.469512, VMware_bootbank_esx-base_5.0.0-0.0.469512, VMware_bootbank_esx-tboot_5.0.0-0.0.469512, VMware_bootbank_ipmi-ipmi-si-drv_39.1-4vmw.500.0.0.469512, VMware_bootbank_misc-drivers_5.0.0-0.0.469512, VMware_bootbank_net-be2net_4.0.88.0-1vmw.500.0.0.469512



~ #  esxcli software profile update --depot=/vmfs/volumes/datastore1/patch/update-from-esxi5.0-5.0_update03.zip --profile=ESXi-5.0.0-20131002001-standard
Update Result
   Message: The update completed successfully, but the system needs to be rebooted for the changes to be effective.
   Reboot Required: true



~ # reboot



~ # esxcli system version get
   Product: VMware ESXi
   Version: 5.0.0
   Build: Releasebuild-1311175
   Update: 3


~ # esxcli software profile validate --depot=/vmfs/volumes/datastore1/patch/update-from-esxi5.0-5.0_update03.zip --profile=ESXi-5.0.0-20131002001-standard